Thursday, July 29, 2010

Century #7: Hell on Wheels

While I advanced my goal of completing 10 centuries by the end of the year, today's trip was sheer misery. It was my own fault, but it didn't make the ride any easier.

The main culprit was the I forgot to bring money. No cash or plastic. All I had with me were my water bottles and three of the protein bars that I made up at home. The money issue never even occured to me until we got to our first rest stop. By that point, I just had to hope for the best.

I didn't have too much to worry about for water. I was able to fill my bottles at every rest stop where we took a break. I rationed out my protein bars to last the entire ride. It just wasn't enough. My normal purchase a rest stop normall consists of:
  • Two bottles of Gatroade/Powerade for my water bottles
  • Some sort of grainy PowerBar
  • An occasional can of soda for the caffeine/sugar push
  • (LUNCH: 6-inch sub, baked Lay's chips and a soda)

So I had none of that. At about mile 60 (lunch was at mile 52), I started falling behind. I couldn't keep up with the crew. By mile 80, I think I had "bonked"...which is the official bicycling term for being done. I someone grinded out those last 20 miles, but I was miserably slow. It was painful to watch...and likely no better to experience.

Thank you to Bill Johnson for holding back for me when he could have EASILY cruised ahead with the pack.

Moral of the story: 100 miles = BRING MONEY!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

House Headaches

Ugh....I feel like my house is falling apart on me. To make it doubly worse, it feels like it is all happening at the same time.

1.) My computer has had a virus for the last two months and I have been running in safe mode trying to figure out the problem. Why do I have a virus? When I went to renew my anti-irus subscription, I inadvertantly purcased a "total security" package that did not auto renew my anti-virus. Of course, I didn't realize this until it was too late and it has been an issue between me and the software company to fix it.

2.) My garbage disposal is broken. Actually, it fell off. Technically, it rusted off and right at the connection joint so now we can't get the sink connection off because there is nothing to grip. Frustrating.

3.) Coupled with a vacation and our fertility issues, my ability to put a dent in my credit cards is taking a major hit. I said that if I could not get the computer fixed by the end of the week, I would take it in to get fixed (credit card charge) and I may need to get a plumber just to get this thing off of my sink (might need to charge that).


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Finally Getting Some Down Time

The last three weeks have been busy, fufilling a tiring. Since the Fourth of July weekend, I've had three staright weekend events with not a lot of down time in between since we needed to prep for each one. Outside of the grind of working almost everyday for three staight weeks for the Fraternity, the opportunity to meet new brothers and reconnect with the ones I already know has been great.

But...I'm BEAT!

I'm taking Monday off of this week, as well as Thursday and Friday for a nice little four-day weekend. Then I head back for three days before a long...and deserved...vacation.

As I sit here thinking about the 170+ brothers I got to hang out with at Leadership Institute, I am remembering that I need to go into work tonight to write my last story for our e-newsletter. I worked out a deal with our layout company to have the story ready for them on Monday (it was due last week). I realized we had a great opportunity to share the Leadership Institute story with our alumni, but I needed for the event to happen.

Now that I am awake from my nap, it's time to clean out the car and head back to work. That vacation can't get here too soon.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pre-In Vitro

Leandra and I had our first meeting regarding the IVF process. Wow! This is definitely a process. There will be a good number of drugs that Leandra will be on for the next month or two. I have to take an antibiotic to make sure my "stuff" is healthy.

The good news is that our planned vacation will not be affected. Because we had very little information when we decided to go this option, we were worried that the schedule of events would interfere with our trip. This process begins with self-administered shots for the first couple of weeks. For us, we will be in Minnesota for her first injection.

Of course, the bad news is the cost. I figured for this to be an expensive venture and I was NOT disappointed. We were shown the amount that needs to be paid and did my best to keep a cool face. Unfortunately, there is no paymet plan and everything needs to be paid upfront. So much for paying off our credit cards.

The nurse asked if we had any questions and I thought it would be funny to inquiry about possible fundraising opportunities. I also asked if we could genetically manufacture our child to meet specifications that would make money for us later in life (baseball player, rock star, genius, etc) and I was given a very jovial "No."

To wrap this up, if you need an instrument, buy it from my wife at Opus 1 Music (she gets commission). Or if you see us hosting a car wash, please stop by to support the cause. I look smokin' hot in a swimsuit.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Adapting to the Times

I was finally able to get a proposal through with the Evansville Bicycle Club at tonight's meeting. The club approved the change in the name of the "Special Needs Bicycle Program" to the "Adaptive Bicycle Fund."

I had made the recommendation stating that the term "special needs" was outdated terminology and that we should use something that is more appropriate and accepted in the present.

This goes all the way back to last year when I first proposed the change. My intention was to have it changed for the registration forms we send out for the Great Pumpkin Metric. Being it was my first year, I brought it to the club too late and it was tabled to a future meeting.

I brought it back at the June meeting, which actually worked out great because we had a guest speaker representing a program with works with children with disabilities. I had verified that my recommended terminology was acceptable and she agreed that it was. So I proposed it. Unfortunately, it was part of a marathon meeting (that probably could have been run a little better), but by the time I made my proposal, everyone was ready to leave.

During this month's meeting, I brought it back up and got it through. Even though there were a few people that were against it (mostly for reasons of general ignorance), I had a few things working in my favor:

1.) The president and past president were not in attendance. The past president, who is now the treasurer, wasn't crazy on the proposal. I'm not sure where the current president stood, but the vice president was in favor and he was residing over the meeting.
2.) Attendnace was low and most of the "old school" members weren't there.
3.) I had two members, who don't normally attend meetings, say a few things which helped support my proposal.
4.) There were a few that stopped caring and just wanted to bring an end to it. By voting for it, they would shut me up.

Additionally, I really made an effort to mention my backgroundin working with individuals with disabilities, which include my sister, the summer program that I worked out for 14 summers and the wheelchair athletic program I volunteered with while in college. I'm not sure if it made a difference with some people, but at least I could say that I had more experience than the rest of the room combined.

So I got what I was asking for. This was nothing personal; I believe it is in the best interest of the club. Welcome to the 21st century.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Goin' In Vitro after eight years of my parents wondering where the grandkids are, we've decided that nature is no longer a viable option. Science is going to take over (and we are going to pay dearly for it). That's right peeps, we are prepping for the in vitro fertlization option.

I was having a discussion with some co-workers about kids and the cost to actually have one. They all agreed that having a baby is not cheap. I "kindly" reminded them that what they paid will probably look like a Wal-Mart discount because not only will I be paying to have a baby, but I'll also be paying to make one. I don't know how much that costs (considering insurance doesn't cover it), but I know it won't be cheap.

This means a couple of things:
1.) There is a good chance of twins, which is good because I don't think I will want to pay to do this again.
2.) Our child better be perfect.
3.) This better work the first time. I don't want to pay for something that doesn't work.

There is a whole bunch of things that are up in the air right now. We'll know more by the end of the month. Hopefully this won't mess up our plans for a vacation in August. I'd like to be a little optimistic, but the realistic side is casting doubts.

So if you are looking for good birthday gifts for us, please go to one of those gift card stations that are in many retail stores. Last year, it was all about Menards gift cards. This year, you can get us an "In Vitro" gift card...if they have them.