Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 New Year's Resolutions

Here we are. 2010. Frickin' cold as hell outside. Here are my resolutions for 2010.

1.) Lose 40 pounds (at least)
Back in 2007, I dropped 62 pounds. Starting in January 1 and going to June 1, I was involved in a little competition with my wife, a guy from work and his wife. It was a couples thing. My wife and I won and I dropped from 270 to 208. I had leveled out to about 215 afterwards.

Ever since my bike accident in 2008, I had been in a funk. I obviously gained some weight back from 2 months of inactivity, but I haven't done much to commit to losing it. It isn't so much exercise, but more of a diet issue. I weighed myself on January 1 and I came it at 240....YIKES!

40 lbs gets me down to 200. It's time to suck it up and get it done.

2.) Learn to swim
Never learnd to swim. I understand the concepts and I'm not afraid of water. I have an issue with not being able to put my feet down on something. I can't tread water. The closest phobia I can find would be aquaphobia, which is a fear of water, but also includes a fear of drowning.

I have been looking into the idea of doing some triathalons. Not so much for the sake of competing, but just to do them for personal satisfaction. The first section is swimming and if I can't figure that out, my day would end rather quickly.

Either I'll find a class or take personal lessons, but I WILL learn how to swim this year.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you. I have complete faith that you'll achieve both.
