Friday, August 20, 2010

The Next Phase of IVF

We've hit a bit of a turning point for us in the IVF process. Up until this point, Leandra had been taking one shot a day of one of her drugs (it starts with an "L"). This is the drug that makes her body think it is going through menopause. She's been pretty misearble the last couple of days.

She went in for her first of three ultrasounds to make sure everything still looked OK. Along with some bloodwork, this was considered sort of a baseline testing. I guess everything was fine because we didn't receive any altered instructions, but it does mean that we are taking things up a notch.

Along with the first drug that was being injected (by me), she now is adding two additional drug that have to be injected (by me). Additionally, she has a two pills she has to take. One of the pills is an antibiotic that I also have to make sure the swimmers are healthy at "crunch time."

I think the hardest part is that Leandra is somewhat susceptible to headaches and migraines, which is a side effect of the drugs. Of course, she can't take anything so she has to tough it out until it goes away.

Just to show what we are going through, I am going to see if Leandra would be OK to video our routine. I think it would be interesting to share. (This would also give my cousin the chance to turn back because she starts her IVF process soon.)

After next week, we hit our window of time where they extract the eggs, I make my "donation" and then they put it all back into her. Sounds like fun.

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