Last week, we had to take our car into the shop because it wasn't acceleratng properly. Technically, it was accelerating, but it wasn't shifting gears. The autoshop guy said the transmission lines were chewed up and needed to be replaced. $160...down the tubes.
While that wasn't an expected cost on our budget, the bigger surprise came a week later when the same thing happened again! We were told that a mouse was the likely culprit as it was trying to find a warm location since the temperatures have been dropping. The little bugger cost us an extra $130 (we got a discount for the second visit). Needless to say, we are now parking in the garage.
Our second surprise came from a family visit as Leandra's aunt and uncle came through town...unannounced. I got a voice mail around 3:00 pm on Thursday from a "Steve Schmidt." I couldn't think of anyone that knew with that name (with a fairly obvious northern Minnesota accent), until I saw the call location as Duluth, MN. Ahhhhh...THAT "Steve Schmidt."

She made it back. They found the store. And she got an unexpected family visit for about a half an hour. Yep...I'm sneaky.
Ask any cat, the sneaky ones catch the mice. :o)