If you look at the picture, the white ovals where the arrows are pointing are the eggs. The one on the right is harder to see than the one on the left.
Leandra has a bunch of meds to take, which includes some pills and a shot to the butt. (Heh, heh.) These will conitue for at least a month. After two weeks, we will take a pregnancy test and she will have some blood work done to see if we were successful.
And for "fun-sies", if you are feeling a little creative, you can include some other possible picture ideas. Here are the ones that I listed:
- UFO in the night
- Picture of the Milky Way galaxy from 700 light years away
These two weeks are going to be the longest weeks I've experienced in ages, I can't imagine how long they'll be for the two of you. I'd be careful about how much you enjoy those butt shots, Karma has a way of paying you back, you know! ;o) <3 you guys!